Use our OWN ADs manager

With FloreX Ads Manager scaling your ads is simple and reliable because you exactly know how much profit you are making on Campaign, Ad set, or Ad level.


Overcome Facebook's Tracking Issues

Every advertiser knows that Facebook tracking has become unreliable since the 2021 iOS update. As a result, the data from Facebook is no longer sufficiently reliable to make decisions based on it. That's why we developed FloreX Ads Manager. With FloreX, we can attribute real orders from WooCommerce and Shopify to your Facebook campaigns, ad sets, and ads in real-time, so you can scale your ads like a pro without worrying about inaccurate data.

Compare FloreX data with Facebook data

With our FloreX Ads Manager, you can now see the actual number of orders your store is generating and compare it to Facebook's data. This allows you to verify whether your conversions are being correctly attributed to the right ads and also identify any instances of under or over reporting.

Maximize Ad Profits with FloreX's Live Profit Metric

Scaling your ads becomes much easier when you know the exact profit generated from each sale. With our live Profit Metric, you can now accurately calculate the profit for each order you receive and attribute it to the ad that generated the sale. This valuable data enables you to make informed decisions and optimize your ad campaigns for maximum profitability.